Higher Education

The Best of Trending in Ed – Adi Hanash on Making Amazing Live Online Learning Happen

For this installment of the Best of Trending in Ed, we return to Mike Palmer’s conversation with Adi Hanash about what makes great live online teaching recorded in the early days of the first wave of Covid-19. While 2+ pandemic years have passed since the first recording, there’s still plenty of insight in one of our most listened-to episodes. We hope you enjoy!

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The Best of Trending in Ed – Wendy Zukerman LIVE from the Javits Center for NAB in New York

For this installment of the Best of Trending in Ed, we’re returning to an episode we recorded live at the Javits Center for NAB New York in the Fall of 2018. Wendy Zukerman joins hosts Mike Palmer and Brandon Jones in a conversation about science, media, podcasting, and the work she is doing at the Science Vs which is still going strong at Gimlet to this day.

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K12 Education

Opening Up Access to Early Childhood Education with Chris Bennett

Chris Bennett is the CEO and Co-Founder of Wonderschool, an education company whose mission is to ensure that every child has access to early education that helps them realize their potential. He joins host Mike Palmer in a conversation about the critical role early childhood education can play in unlocking opportunities for children who need it.

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Using Virtual Robots to Teach Computer Science with Adam Dalton

Adam Dalton is the CEO and Co-Founder of Imagine Robotify, a STEM learning company he started at age 23 to make coding and robotics more affordable and accessible for students and prepare them for the future of work.

Adam joins Mike Palmer in a conversation about what sparked his interest in robotics and computer science and what led to him create Robotify to help K-12 students learn computer science by programming virtual robots.

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Raj Chetty’s Friendship Research, Klosterman’s Nineties, and More

Mike reacts to the passing of Bill Russell, Nichelle Nichols, and Vin Scully as we hope to shoulder surf off their dignity and grace.

Then, we touch on the groundbreaking work released by Raj Chetty’s team at Opportunity Insights looking at the impact of friendship on economic mobility. We introduce the study to the conversation here in the hopes of digging in more with experts down the line.

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K12 Education

Best of Trending in Ed – Dr. Rich Milner on Opportunity Gaps, Race, Grace, and Developing Teachers

As we continue our Best of Trending in Ed series through the summer, in this edition we’re featuring our most downloaded episode ever where Dr. Rich Milner joins host Mike Palmer in the Summer of 2020 to talk about his book, Start Where You Are But Don’t Stay There: Understanding Diversity, Opportunity Gaps, and Teaching in Today’s Classrooms for which the 2nd edition had just been published.

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Respect for Teachers and Trends in EdTech with Al Kingsley

Al Kingsley has been the CEO of NetSupport for over 26 years and an Edtech Industry veteran for 30+ years. He is a school governor in his native U.K. and was just named co-chair of Workstream 4 at the Foundation for Educational Development. He’s a frequent speaker on the global edtech circuit and has his own podcast NetSupport Radio. He authored a book last summer titled, My Secret #EdTech Diary. And he was recently named Edtech Digest’s 2022 Best Edtech Author/Speaker or Podcaster.

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