Social Emotional Learning

Social Emotional Learning

The Power of SEL for Adults with Tre’ Gammage

Tre’ Gammage is a Social Emotional Learning Specialist and Storyteller focused on building social-emotional competence in school communities by focusing on Adults’ Emotional Skills. He’s also the host of the Dash Podcast where he explores topics in SEL for adults and much more. He joins host Mike Palmer in a conversation about SEL and its importance for teachers, other adults, and everyone.

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Social Emotional Learning

SEL Tips on Engaging Across Difference with Dr. Mylien Duong

Dr. Mylien Duong is a clinical psychologist and SEL researcher who serves as Senior Director of Research at the Constructive Dialogue Institute. She joins host Mike Palmer in an exploration of emerging research in SEL, the surprising backlash against it, and perspectives on how to support teachers whose jobs have become increasingly demanding in recent years.

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Social Emotional Learning

Talking SEL Day and More with Urban Assembly CEO David Adams

David Adams was recently named the CEO of The Urban Assembly, a non-profit organization working to advance students’ economic and social mobility by improving public education. David joins Mike Palmer to talk about the importance of Social Emotional Learning heading into SEL Day on Friday, March 26th.

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Social Emotional Learning

Trauma-Informed Social Emotional Learning with Noah Teitelbaum

Noah Teitelbaum is the Executive Director of Empowering Education. That means he does a bit of everything, from chatting with the principals and teachers using the program to managing program updates to writing SEL children’s stories about bunnies ( Empowering Education is a non-profit that enables learning by contributing to the social and emotional wellness of students, families, and educators through a mindfulness-based bilingual SEL curriculum. They offer an accessible, trauma-informed, affordable, and easy-to-use curriculum for K-8 teachers and SEL specialists to use in the classroom.

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Social Emotional Learning

Helping Kids Learn Self-Compassion with Mike Iskandar

Mike Iskandar joins Mike on this episode to talk about how he founded Time Travel Journeys to help schools & organizations empower kids to turn self doubt, anxiety, and isolation into self compassion, confidence, & connection. Mike tells the story of how what began as a project of self-discovery in his 40th year evolved into the program he runs today that centers around getting to know yourself across the years of your life and learning to forgive yourself.

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Social Emotional Learning

Feeling Safe At School with Dr. Jonathan Cohen

Dr, Jonathan Cohen joins Mike this week to explore the global trend of social emotional learning (SEL) and violence prevention in schools. Jonathan recently co-edited the book Feeling Safe in School through Harvard Education Press where he and team studied school climate and violence prevention programs in schools across 11 cultures spanning the globe. In our conversation, we explore Jonathan’s origin story before digging into what can be learned by understanding how different cultures conceptualize and address many of the challenges children face by feeling unsafe in their schools.

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Social Emotional Learning

Neuroscience Meets Social Emotional Learning with Andrea Samadi

Mike connects with Andrea Samadi, the host of the Neuroscience Meets Social Emotional Learning podcast, and the two talk about the brain, how it connects to social and emotional aspects of human behavior, learning, and cognition. Andrea recounts her background as an educator who formed a consultancy,, and has recently launched a podcast on this fascinating intersection between the latest research in neuroscience and its potential application in the classroom.

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