higher education

Higher Education

Gaming, Scenario-Based Thinking, and Covid-19 on Campus with Bryan Alexander

This week Mike is joined by Bryan Alexander, Senior Scholar at Georgetown University and author of Academia Next , to talk about what happens when a Futurist gets a prediction right. In Bryan’s recent book, he explores a possible future where a widespread pandemic akin to the 1918 Spanish flu hits and majorly disrupts higher education. Bryan’s book was released prior to COVID-19 and it’s received a lot of attention since.

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Higher Education

Thoughts on the Upcoming Semester with Dr. Terri Givens

Dr. Terri Givens, CEO of the Center for Higher Education Leadership, returns to join Melissa and Mike in a wide-ranging conversation about what we see on the near-term horizon for Higher Education in the Fall of 2020.

We touch on the “Corona Gap Year” phenomenon, put ourselves in the shoes of University Administrators and faculty navigating these uncertain times, and get advice based on Terri’s experience as a Professor, an Administrator, and now as the Founder of a company focused on helping Higher Education navigate the complexities of this day and age.

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Higher Education

Innovation, Customer Discovery, and Hard-Boiled Podcasting with Dr. Shannon Clute

Dr. Shannon Clute joins Mike to share his broad and varied experiences in education, innovation, marketing, and digital media. He begins by telling the story of his early experiments with podcasting and other new media to innovate in higher education where Shannon was a Professor of French Literature.

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Trump’s SATs, Betsy DeVos’s Bookcase, Online Learning, and International Student Visas

Mike, Dan, and Melissa reflect on the year so far while tracking some of the more sensational stories that are breaking lately. Did Donald Trump hire someone to take his SATs? If he did, is that better or worse than Lori Laughlin paying for access to the USC Crew team? What do we think about Betsy DeVos’s bookcases for her Zoom meetings?

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Becoming Active as a Black Professional after George Floyd with Liz Leiba

Liz Leiba, an education professional, teacher, and podcast host, joins Melissa and Mike to discuss her personal response to George Floyd’s death. In response to this travesty, Liz has become much more active on LinkedIn and on her podcast, The Ed Up Experience, telling her personal story as a black woman in higher ed and the corporate world.

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COVID-19Higher Education

Proactive Care for Adult Learners with Elise Awwad

Elise Awwad, Vice President of Strategic Enrollment at DeVry University, joins Mike this week to explore how DeVry has been delivering proactive care as part of its educational philosophy for adult learners. We examine how they were able to respond to the twin challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic and the civil unrest in response to the death of George Floyd.

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The Future of Learning Virtual Summit with Rohit Barghava

Trending in Education partnered with Rohit Barghava and the Non-Obvious Company to host a Virtual Summit on the Future of Learning. Join Rohit, Melissa Griffith, Dan Strafford, and Mike Palmer as they discuss what the future might hold for parents, learning professionals, and lifelong learners.

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COVID-19Higher Education

Civics, the Gig Economy, and Emergency Response Teaching with Jenna Spinelle

On today’s episode, Jenna Spinelle joins Mike to talk about civics, the gig economy, and the sudden shift to remote teaching. Jenna is a writer, instructor, and podcaster in higher education who recently launched a new course focused on teaching undergrads how to engage in the gig economy.

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Higher Education

The Futures of Higher Education with Bryan Alexander, Author of Academia Next

This week Mike engages with noted author, speaker, and futurist, Bryan Alexander to discuss the challenges and potential futures emerging for higher education focusing on the US. Bryan has recently authored a book called Academia Next in which he explores trends and describes multiple possible futures for the higher ed ecosystem.

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