higher education

Higher Education

Creating Affordable, Engaging, and Scalable Higher Ed with Aaron Rasmussen

Aaron Rasmussen is the Founder and CEO of Outlier.org. He’s also a Cofounder of Masterclass and an award-winning game designer. He joins host Mike Palmer in a conversation about how the team at Outlier is designing a product experience built to disrupt higher education by providing affordable access to highly engaging, accredited online courses and certificates.

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Social Emotional Learning

SEL Tips on Engaging Across Difference with Dr. Mylien Duong

Dr. Mylien Duong is a clinical psychologist and SEL researcher who serves as Senior Director of Research at the Constructive Dialogue Institute. She joins host Mike Palmer in an exploration of emerging research in SEL, the surprising backlash against it, and perspectives on how to support teachers whose jobs have become increasingly demanding in recent years.

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Multidimensional Diversity in Library Spaces with Dr. Robin Naughton

Dr. Robin Naughton is an Assistant Professor and Web and Digital Services Librarian at Queens College in New York. She joins Mike Palmer (who happens to be her husband) in a conversation about diversity, digital inclusion, and the design of library spaces. We also share our experiences raising a young son in these challenging times.

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Future of Work

A Gen Z Look at Career Readiness with Justin Nguyen

Justin Nguyen is the Founder of Declassified Media and is the Host of the Declassified College Podcast. He joins Mike Palmer in a conversation about the origin story of Declassified Media and how it dovetails with new and emerging trends around media consumption, the creator economy, and career readiness for college students.

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Higher Education

The Path to Free College with Dr. Michelle Miller-Adams

Dr. Michelle Miller-Adams is a professor of political science at Grand Valley State University where she teaches courses on international relations, poverty and inequality. She’s also a Senior Researcher with the W. E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research.

Michelle joins Mike Palmer on this episode to talk about her new book, The Path to Free College: In Pursuit of Access, Equity, and Prosperity. We begin by getting Michelle’s origin story to understand how tuition-free higher education has had a profound effect on her and her family. From there, we briefly explore the history of free public high school and free higher education through the examples from the University of California system and the City College of New York before picking up on the recent movement for tuition-free higher education beginning in 2005 with the Kalamazoo Promise.

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Learning Science

A Deeper Dive Into Universal Design For Learning with Lillian Nave

Lillian Nave is a Senior Lecturer and UDL Coordinator at Appalachian State University. She’s also the host of the Think UDL Podcast. Lillian joins Mike Palmer and guest host Dawn DiPeri on this deep dive into UDL and other trends Lillian is noticing from her vantage point in inclusive education.

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Higher Education

Three Trends in EdTech and Higher Ed with Dustin Ramsdell

Dustin Ramsdell is a higher ed tech professional who works to support student success. For the past few years, he’s also been the host of The Higher Ed Geek Podcast exploring trends in higher ed and educational technology.

Dustin joins Mike for this episode of Trending in Education to share his perspective on three trends to be on the lookout for heading into 2021. It’s a fun conversation to kick off our looks ahead into 2021 and beyond.

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Higher Education

Postsecondary Education and Access with Robyn Phillips

Robyn Phillips is the Deputy Director of Postsecondary Access at The Urban Assembly. The Urban Assembly is a non-profit organization working to advance students’ economic and social mobility by improving public education. Robyn is also the Board Chair of the College Access Consortium of New York (CACNY).

On this episode, Robyn joins Mike to explain what postsecondary education looks like in 2020 and how she helps high school students and their families navigate decisions about their life after graduating from one of The UA’s 23 affiliated schools located across New York City. We get Robyn’s perspective on what it’s like for families making postsecondary education decisions in light of the pandemic and emotional upheaval of this year before concluding with her take on new and emerging trends on the horizon.

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Higher Education

The Non-Traditional Higher Ed Landscape with Amrit Ahluwalia

Amrit Ahluwalia is the Managing Editor of The EvoLLLution, the online newspaper developed by Destiny Solutions to create a conversation hub focused on non-traditional higher education and the transforming postsecondary marketplace. On this episode, Amrit joins Mike to talk about non-traditional learners in higher education, the importance of continuing education, and the need to reframe the focus of higher education to encompass the broader needs emerging in the workforce.

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