K12 Education

Designing a Learning Platform for Early Childhood with Sunil Gunderia

Sunil Gunderia is Chief Innovation Officer and Head of Mastery & Adaptive Products at Age of Learning, the makers of early childhood learning products like ABC Mouse. Sunil joins host Mike Palmer in a conversation about building a personalized learning platform ecosystem for early learners, parents, and educators.

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Learning and Education

Lessons Learned from Empathy, a Blues Bar, and Sports

Terri Givens, Daniel Harrison, and Tarlin Ray join host Mike Palmer for a live panel at SXSW EDU in Austin, Texas. Terri, a frequent guest on Trending in Ed, is the author of Radical Empathy and The Roots of Racism. She and Mike CoHosted This Week in Higher Ed in 2020 and 2021. Dan is the author of Live At Jackson Station and Making Sense of Marshall Leadbetter. He’s the host of the new Palmer Media podcast Inside Jackson Station for which all of Season 1 is now available for binge-listening. And finally, Tarlin is the Founder and CoHost of Running It Back with Mike. He is the SVP of BigFuture at the College Board.

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K12 Education

An Inclusive Panel Talks Children’s Literature and RIF’s Rally to Read

In a star-packed panel to celebrate the culmination of Reading is Fundamental’s Rally to Read, Alicia Levi, Orion Jean, Dr. Monica Brown, and Joanna Ho join host Mike Palmer in a roundtable discussion of the importance of reading and how representation matters when it comes to the stories we tell.

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Higher Education

Minding the Gap with Ryan Craig

Ryan Craig is a Managing Director at Achieve Partners and University Ventures. Ryan’s commentary on where the puck is going in higher education regularly appears in the Gap Letter, Forbes, TechCrunch, Inside Higher Education, Fortune, HR Dive, and VentureBeat, among others. He is the author of A New U: Faster + Cheaper Alternatives to College, which describes the critical importance of last-mile training and the emergence of bootcamps, income share programs, staffing, and apprenticeship models as preferred pathways to good first digital jobs.

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Learning and Education

STEM, STEAM, and Bringing Joy Back to Learning

Dr. Jenny Nash is the Head of Education Impact US at LEGO Education. She joins Mike Palmer to discuss LEGO Education’s upcoming panel at SXSW EDU 2022 focused on how educators can bring joy back to learning. Along with details related to their upcoming panel, we discuss how STEAM programs are helping students explore future career possibilities, including details related to LEGO Education’s “Build to Launch” program with NASA, and how incorporating hands-on learning into curriculums can help students build confidence and 21st-century skills.

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Higher Education

Race, Sports History, and What’s Happening in Education with Dr. Louis Moore

Dr. Louis Moore is a Professor of History at Grand Valley State University and the author of We Will Win the Day The Civil Rights Movement, the Black Athlete, and the Quest for Equality. He’s also the host of The Black Athlete podcast and an excellent follow on Twitter. Lou joins host Mike Palmer in a conversation about the history of race and sports in the US.

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