
Gartner Hype Cycle 2021 with Mike Palmer and Virtual Cohost Nancy

As we kick off our 6th season of Trending in Ed, host Mike Palmer is joined once again by Nancy, our virtual cohost to a get sense of where our heads are heading into the Back to School season that is upon us now in the Fall of 2021. Mike shares his perspective as the parent of a toddler who is just starting in Universal 3K in New York City before we dive into the Gartner Hype Cycle for Emerging Technology 2021 getting Nancy’s takes throughout.

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K12 Education

Driving Student and Family Engagement with Chatbots

Joanna Smith is the CEO and founder of AllHere, an edtech company improving attendance and student success with mobile messaging powered by AI. Before founding AllHere, she taught middle school mathematics and served as Director of Family Engagement at a charter school in Boston.

Joanna joins Mike Palmer to talk about the problem of low student attendance in K12 and how she and team are building AllHere to create a scalable way to begin to address it. What’s the best way to design an ecosystem that is available 24/7 and allows its teachers to focus on the highest-yield human activities? How has the pandemic impacted this problem? How did the team at AllHere listen to the community to respond quickly to needs around food insecurity? In what other ways might chatbots help improve educational experiences for students and families?

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Higher Education

Revolutionary Sociology and Virtual Conferences with Dr. Corey Dolgon

In this special episode of Trending in Ed, Mike Palmer interviews Corey Dolgon from a conference room in Freedom Tower while the Annual Conference for the Society for the Study of Social Problems (SSSP) is taking place virtually. Corey is the outgoing President of SSSP. We explore the themes of the conference while getting into what it is like to shift from designing an in-person conference to doing one online.

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Podcast Movement 2021 Debrief with Jenna Spinelle

Continuing our exploration of the New Normal for conferences in the Summer of 2021, Jenna Spinelli returns to the show to join host Mike Palmer to recount her experience attending Podcast Movement in Tennessee earlier this month. Jenna is one of the hosts of the Democracy Works podcast and the Founder of the Democracy Group network of civically-minded podcasts.

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The Conferencing Dilemma with Mike Palmer and Nancy

Mike Palmer is once again joined by our virtual cohost, Nancy, to talk about new and emerging trends in the conference experience as a new wave of in=person and blended learning conferences pick up in August. We reflect on what it must have been like at Podcast Movement, which just concluded while contemplating what’s on the horizon for the blended virtual and in-person EdTech ASU-GSV Summit that kicks off this week in San Diego.

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K12 Education

How to Embed Racial Equity in K-12 Schools with Dr. Adriana Villavicencio

Dr. Adriana Villavicencio is an Assistant Professor at the University of California, Irvine. Her research is focused on K-12 educational policy and school practice that deepens or disrupts inequities for minoritized communities of students and families. For nearly a decade, she conducted research at the Research Alliance for New York City Schools at NYU—a Research-Practice Partnership with the NYC Department of Education (DOE).

Adriana joins Mike Palmer to talk about her book, Am I My Brother’s Keeper: Educational Opportunities and Outcomes for Black and Brown Boys, published by Harvard Education Press, that examines how districts and schools can embed racial equity work into the very fabric of how they serve students.

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Higher Education

The Design of Learning Spaces with Shannon Dowling – Architect at Ayers Saint Gross

Shannon Dowling is an architect with a design focus on creating research-driven, student-centered learning environments at Ayers Saint Gross. She joins Mike Palmer on this episode to talk about trends in the design of learning spaces for higher ed and beyond. You can find a recent white paper, Disruption in Higher Education, from Shannon and team on this topic.

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