Learner Pathways

K12 Education

Developing Relational Intelligence with Isabelle Hau, the Author of Love to Learn

Isabelle Hau, author of the book, Love to Learn: The Transformative Power of Care and Connection in Early Childhood, joins Mike Palmer in a conversation about the importance of relationships in early education and what it means to our understanding of intelligence and human development. Hau highlights the concept of “relational intelligence” or “RQ” and its increasing importance in a world dominated by artificial intelligence. Isabelle is the Executive Director of the Stanford Accelerator for Learning.

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Higher Education

Powering Learner Pathways Through Higher Ed with StraighterLine CEO Heather Combs

Heather Combs is the CEO of StraighterLine, a platform that provides affordable access to college credit through online courses. Heather joins host Mike Palmer in a conversation about the disruption we’ve witnessed to traditional models of higher education in recent years and the role StraighterLine is playing in this transformation.

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