community schooling

K12 Education

Building Extraordinary Community-Based Schools with Jenee Henry Wood

Jenee Henry Wood, Chief Learning Officer at Transcend and co-author of the book Extraordinary Learning for All: How Communities Design Schools Where Everybody Thrives, joins host Mike Palmer in a conversation about community-based design and how to leap ahead past the industrial model of K12 education left over from the 20th century.

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Preparing and Sustaining Social Justice Educators with Dr. Annamarie Francois and Dr. Karen Hunter Quartz

Dr. Annamarie Francois and Dr. Karen Hunter Quartz join Mike Palmer to talk about their experience as educators and leaders in social justice education and community schooling. Annamarie is the Executive Director of UCLA Center X and Karen is the Director of the UCLA Center for Community Schooling. Together they edited and authored chapters in Preparing and Sustaining Social Justice Educators from Harvard Education Press.

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