Active Learning


Active Learning Online with Author Dr. Stephen Kosslyn

Dr. Stephen Kosslyn returns to the show to dive into the topics covered in his new book Active Learning Online with Mike Palmer. What does deep processing really mean and how can its power be unlocked for learning? How do chunking and associations relate to how we learn? What is the dual coding principle and how should instructional designers tap into it to ensure their lessons stick in the minds of their learners?

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Active Learning in the Digital Age with Dr. Stephen Kosslyn

Dr. Stephen Kosslyn, President of Foundry College, returns to Trending in Education to discuss a new book he’s been working on. The book has the working title of Active Learning in the Digital Age and covers the six key principles that drive active learning. The principles are deep processing, deliberate practice, incentives and consequences, dual coding, chunking, and associations.

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