The Design of Learning Spaces with Shannon Dowling – Architect at Ayers Saint Gross
Shannon Dowling is an architect with a design focus on creating research-driven, student-centered learning environments at Ayers Saint Gross. She joins Mike Palmer on this episode to talk about trends in the design of learning spaces for higher ed and beyond. You can find a recent white paper, Disruption in Higher Education, from Shannon and team on this topic.
Shannon tells us how she got to this point in her professional life by describing how her interests in architecture and design intersected with her life as a mom to set her on the path of designing for learning contexts. We delve into Shannon’s expertise and experience in designing for higher ed, look for insights from the transformation of library spaces, and get her takes on the impact of the pandemic as well as what she sees on the horizon.
It’s a rich exploration of how the mind of an architect designs for the world of learning. Listen in to learn more.
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