This week, Mike sits down with best-selling author Rohit Bhargava to talk about Rohit’s new book Non-Obvious Megatrends which launches this week. We discuss what it’s been like to put together a trendspotting book each year for the past ten years and how shifting the focus to Megatrends this year has provided new perspective heading into the 2020s. Then we dig into a few of Rohit’s Megatrends from the book to talk about how Instant Knowledge and Attention Wealth, among others, relate to learning and education in 2020. We hope you enjoy the conversation about where the world of learning may be heading in the near and further distant future.
Bhargava, R. (2020). Non Obvious Megatrends: How to See What Others Miss and Predict the Future (Illustrated edition). Ideapress Publishing.