A list of references discussed on the podcast.
Abrams, A. (2018, June 20). Yes, Impostor Syndrome is Real. Here’s How to Deal With It. Time.
Abuhmaid, A., Kaur, I., & Joordens, S. (2022). The Convertible Learning System: A Certainty for Uncertain Times. Journal of Education.
Adams, D. (2021, December 5). Social-emotional learning in crossfire. NEW YORK DAILY NEWS.
Adeshola, A. (2020, June 1). 3 Things You Should Not Say To Your Black Colleagues Right Now. Forbes.
Alexander, B. (2020). Academia Next The Futures of Higher Education. Johns Hopkins University Press.
Alexander, B. (2023). Universities on Fire. John Hopkins University Press.
Allyn, B. (2024, May 20). Scarlett Johansson says she is “shocked, angered” over new ChatGPT voice. NPR.
Amin, R., Bauman, C., & Wang, S. (2020, May 31). ‘Moments like now are why we teach’: Educators tackle tough conversations about race and violence — this time virtually. Chalkbeat.
Annamarie Francois, & Karen Hunter Quartz. (2021). Preparing and Sustaining Social Justice Educators. Harvard Education Press.
Armstrong, K. (2019). Interoception: How We Understand Our Body’s Inner Sensations. APS Observer, 32(8).
Arum, R., Stevens, M. L., & Bui, Q. (2023, July 3). Opinion | For Most College Students, Affirmative Action Was Never Enough. The New York Times.
Ayers Saint Gross. (2021, June 15). Disruption in Higher Education. Issuu.
Baehr, J. (2021). Deep in Thought
A Practical Guide to Teaching for Intellectual Virtues.
Baker, S. (2024, March 5). I Was a Higher Ed Case Manager: What I Wish I Knew Then About Helping Students.
Barron, J. (2023, September 20). How A.I. Increased the Graduation Rate at John Jay College by 32 Points. The New York Times.
Benari, O. (2023). Starting From Scratch: Managing Change Like Your Career Depends On It. Advantage Media Group.
Bhabha, J., Giles, W., & Mahomed, F. (Eds.). (2020). A Better Future: The Role of Higher Education for Displaced and Marginalised People. Cambridge University Press.
Bhargava, R. (2020). Non Obvious Megatrends: How to See What Others Miss and Predict the Future (Illustrated edition). Ideapress Publishing.
Bhargava, R. (2016). Non-Obvious 2017 Edition: How To Think Different, Curate Ideas & Predict The Future (2017th edition). Ideapress Publishing.
Bhargava, R. (2017). Non-Obvious 2018 Edition: How To Predict Trends And Win The Future (2018th edition). Ideapress Publishing.
Boinodiris, P., & Rudden, B. (2023). AI for the Rest of Us. Independently published.
Bowen, J. A., & Watson, C. E. (2024). Teaching with AI: A Practical Guide to a New Era of Human Learning. Johns Hopkins University Press.
Britt, F. (2020, January 20). Tomorrow’s Skills Agenda: 5 Predictions for the World of Work in 2020. Penn Foster Career School.
Brown, M. (2011). Marisol McDonald Doesn’t Match / Marisol McDonald no combina (Bilingual edition). Children’s Book Press.
Burgstahler, S. (n.d.). 20 Tips for Teaching an Accessible Online Course | DO-IT. Disabilities, Opportunities, Internetworking, and Technology. Retrieved March 7, 2021, from
Burgstahler, S. E., & Cauce, A. M. (2020). Creating Inclusive Learning Opportunities in Higher Education: A Universal Design Toolkit. Harvard Education Press.
Cadet, D. (2020, May 28). Dear White People, Your Black Colleagues Aren’t Okay. Refinery29.
Carter, K. (2019). Buzz!: Inside the Minds of Thrill-Seekers, Daredevils, and Adrenaline Junkies. Cambridge University Press.
Casey, L. (2020). The Teacher Insurgency: A Strategic and Organizing Perspective. Harvard Education Press.
Casey, L. (2020, September 11). Strikes And Power: Reflections On The “Black Lives Matter” Strike Of NBA Players. Shanker Institute.
Castro, F. (2016, February 29). OKR: Learn Google’s Goal System with Examples and Templates. Felipe Castro - OKR Trainer, Speaker, Author.
Ceballos, A., & Jeffrey Solochek. (2023, January 6). DeSantis seeks conservative overhaul at Florida liberal-arts college. Miami Herald.
Chester E. Finn Jr. (2022). Assessing the Nation’s Report Card: Challenges and Choices for NAEP. Harvard Education Press.
Clark, T. R. (2020). The 4 Stages of Psychological Safety: Defining the Path to Inclusion and Innovation (1st edition). Berrett-Koehler Publishers.
Clark, A., & Chalmers, D. J. (1998). The Extended Mind. Analysis, 58(1).
Clifton, J. (2022). Blind Spot: The Global Rise of Unhappiness and How Leaders Missed It. Gallup Press.
Cohen, J., & Espelage, D. L. (Eds.). (2020). Feeling Safe in School: Bullying and Violence Prevention Around the World. Harvard Education Press.
Craig, R. (2015). College Disrupted: The Great Unbundling of Higher Education (First Edition). St. Martin’s Press.
Craig, R. (2021, January 8). Stop Romanticizing Failing Colleges. Forbes.
Craig, R. (2021, January 22). Why Jill Biden Needed To Become A Doctor. Forbes.
Craig, R. (2023). Apprentice Nation: How the “Earn and Learn” Alternative to Higher Education Will Create a Stronger and Fairer America. BenBella Books.
Craig, R., & Blue, A. (2018). A New U: Faster + Cheaper Alternatives to College. BenBella Books.
Csikszentmihalyi, M. (2008). Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience (1st edition). Harper Perennial Modern Classics.
Cuban, L. (2021). Confessions of a School Reformer. Harvard Education Press.
Darby, F., & Lang, J. M. (2019). Small Teaching Online: Applying Learning Science in Online Classes (1st edition). Jossey-Bass.
Dasey, T. (2023). Wisdom Factories: AI, Games, and the Education of a Modern Worker. Rejuvenate Publishing.
David A. Sousa, & Michael D. Toth. (2019). The Power of Student Teams. Learning Sciences International.
deLaski, K. (2025). Who Needs College Anymore?: Imagining a Future Where Degrees Won’t Matter. Harvard Education Press.
Dolgon, C. (2006). The End of the Hamptons: Scenes from the Class Struggle in America’s Paradise. NYU Press.
Dolgon, C. (2017). Kill It to Save It: An Autopsy of Capitalism’s Triumph over Democracy (1st edition). Policy Press.